What Does “Stem” Mean On TikTok? Understanding The LGBTQ Label


On TikTok, ‘Stem’ is a term used by the LGBTQ community. As TikTok shapes youth culture and debates about identity, ‘Stem’ challenges old ideas about gender. It opens up conversations about being gender-fluid. What does this mean for how society accepts people? And how does it affect the LGBTQ community itself? Exploring the Term “Stem” … Read more

What Is A Canon Event? Understanding The TikTok Trend


Recently, ‘Canon Event’ has become a buzzword on social media, especially on TikTok, thanks to the movie ‘Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.’ It’s a trend where people share key moments from their lives that really define who they are, much like the crucial scenes for characters in movies or books. By posting these moments, people not … Read more