Why TikTok Keeps Showing Me The Same Videos? Common Causes And Fixes

When you’re on TikTok and keep seeing the same videos, it can get a bit annoying. Usually, this happens because of a few reasons linked to how TikTok decides what to show you. These reasons include the app’s preference settings, how much you interact with the app, and sometimes, simple errors in the system. So, let’s dive into how TikTok’s video suggestions work. We’ll also cover some easy tips on how you can mix up your feed for a better experience. How might these changes affect your time on TikTok? Let’s find out.

Common Causes for Repetitive Video Display on TikTok

Algorithm Glitches

Common Causes for Repetitive Video Display on TikTok

Algorithm glitches on the TikTok For You Page often lead to repetitive video content. When these glitches occur, users may continually see the same videos, hindering the appearance of new and diverse content. TikTok’s tech teams are constantly addressing these issues through updates, but resolving them is challenging due to the system’s complexity and the vast amount of data it processes.

Outdated App Version

An old version of the TikTok app might keep showing the same videos over and over. This happens because it doesn’t have the latest updates which help show a mix of different videos. Developers often release new updates to fix problems and improve how the app suggests videos.

If your app isn’t up-to-date, it might not work well with new data or understand your likes and dislikes correctly. 

Poor Internet Connectivity

If your internet is slow or not stable, TikTok might not load new videos. Instead, it keeps showing ones that are already downloaded or are popular because they load more easily. This is a bigger problem if you’re in a place with weak internet service.

Browser Cookies

One common reason for seeing the same videos over and over on your TikTok For You Page (FYP) is the influence of browser cookies.

On TikTok, cookies track your viewing habits and interactions to personalize your FYP. But if these cookies get corrupted or stale, the app’s algorithm might get stuck, showing you the same content repeatedly instead of refreshing your feed with new videos. This issue can also spread across devices if you use the same account, as cookies and browsing history are often shared.

Fixing ‘TikTok Keeps Showing Me The Same Videos’ Issue

Refresh and Restart

If you keep seeing the same videos on your TikTok FYP, it might be due to a minor glitch. This can happen when the app temporarily gets stuck.

To fix it, start by refreshing your FYP a few times. Swipe down to reload new content and see if that helps.

If the issue persists, try restarting your phone. A quick reboot can clear any temporary bugs or glitches that might be causing the problem. After restarting, open TikTok again and check if your FYP is back to normal.

Also Read: How To See (and Delete) Your TikTok Watch History

Updating the App

Effective Solutions to Address Repetitive Videos by updating tiktok

Keeping your TikTok app updated is important if you want to see new features and avoid bugs. Especially, it helps stop the same videos from showing up again and again on your For You Page.

If the app isn’t up-to-date, you might miss out on improvements made to the system that picks the videos you see. The people behind TikTok are always working to make these systems better, so they can fix any issues that cause repeated content.

Improving Internet Connection

When your connection is weak, TikTok tends to show you the same few videos it can load. To fix this, make sure your internet connection is strong. You could upgrade to a faster internet plan or use a Wi-Fi extender to boost your signal at home. Also, try restarting your router or modem if you’re having trouble. This can fix short-term internet problems and mix up the videos you see on TikTok. If lots of devices use your internet at the same time, try to make your device a priority on your network. This can help too.

Refreshing the “For You” Page

Effective Solutions to Address Repetitive Videos

Simply pull down the page to refresh it. This tells TikTok’s algorithm to mix things up and show you new videos. Another good tip is to clear the app’s cache from the settings menu. This can get rid of any slowdowns and refresh your feed. Don’t forget to keep your TikTok app updated too. Updates often include fixes and new features that make sure you’re seeing the best and newest content.

Also Read: Did TikTok Remove The Repost Button? Here’s What You Need To Know

Interact with Different Content

To break the cycle of repetitive videos on TikTok, try mixing up what you watch. When you like, comment on, or share videos that aren’t the kind you usually watch, you tell TikTok’s algorithm you’re interested in seeing something different.

This helps change up your For You Page with new and varied content. Also, try following creators who offer something unique compared to your regular feed. This keeps things fresh and stops your video recommendations from becoming too predictable.

Clear Cookies

Clearing your browser cookies can help solve this problem. It gives TikTok’s algorithm a fresh start, improving the variety of videos you see. Just keep in mind that clearing cookies might log you out of certain sites, but it’s an easy fix to keep your FYP fresh and exciting.

How to clear cookies:

  • Open your browser app and go to “Settings.”
  • Find “Privacy” or “Advanced,” then “Clear browsing data.”
  • Select “Cookies and site data,” search for TikTok, and clear the cookies.


Dealing with repetitive video displays on TikTok can be frustrating. But understanding the root causes can help you fix the issue and enjoy a more diverse For You Page. There are practical steps you can take to refresh your TikTok experience. By staying proactive—updating your app, improving your connection, clearing cookies, and interacting with new content—you can ensure that your TikTok feed stays engaging and full of variety. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be back to discovering fresh and exciting videos in no time. Keep visiting Andreas Johnson for more informative articles like this.

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