What Does “Opp” Mean On TikTok? Decoding The Slang

As TikTok and other digital platforms shape the way we talk, the word ‘opp’ has become popular online. Originally from African American Vernacular English, ‘opp’ used to mean an enemy or opposition. Now, it’s used more broadly on social media, often adding a fun or competitive twist to posts. This shift from street language to online chatter is a clear example of how language evolves. By looking at how ‘opp’ has changed, we can learn a lot about the way we communicate online today.

Understanding the Slang “Opp” on TikTok


#grandma #opps #grandmasoftiktok

♬ 以后还会心动吗 – 杜十三

Definition and Origin

The slang term ‘opp’ is short for ‘Opposition.’ It is popular on TikTok and comes from street culture and online conversations. It means an enemy or opposition. It started in gang culture in cities like Chicago, where ‘opp’ referred to enemy gangs or threats.

Then, rap and hip-hop artists began using it in their music, helping it gain wider popularity. The term first appeared in Chief Keef’s song ‘John Madden’ in 2011. Since then, ‘opp’ has grown to mean any opponent, not just in gangs. Now, it’s a common word on TikTok and beyond to talk about any kind of competitor.

Usage in Context

the Slang "Opp" on TikTok

On TikTok, creators often use the word ‘opp’ to talk about their rivals or opposition. This can be in a fun, joking way or in more serious competitions. They might make videos calling out or challenging their ‘opps.’

Originally from street and gang language, the term ‘opp’ has become more common and flexible on social media. You might see TikTok videos where creators pretend to confront or have mock battles with their ‘opps.’ They use this term to draw in viewers and show off rivalries, whether they’re real or just for show. This shows how slang changes and adapts in online conversations.

Also Read: What Exactly Does Bop Mean On TikTok? A Gen Z Perspective


The term ‘opp’ started in street culture and gangs but has spread far and wide, even popping up on TikTok. It shows how language changes, influenced by music, social media, and the world becoming more connected. Now, ‘opp’ is not just street talk; it’s used everywhere and by everyone. This shift shows how adaptable and lasting cultural expressions can be. Getting to know terms like ‘opp’ helps us understand how people communicate today, especially online. Keep visiting Andreas Johnson to stay updated with the latest social media trends.

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