Why Is My TikTok Video Under Review? Common Reasons And Solutions

Dealing with TikTok’s moderation can be really frustrating when your videos get stuck in review. This is done to make sure everyone’s uploads follow the community rules, covering everything from copyright issues to banned activities. If you know why your videos are being checked, it can help you get them through the process faster. Let’s break down these reasons and how you can fix them, and talk about how they try to balance being creative with following the rules.

Common Reasons Why TikTok Videos Are Reviewed

Violating Community Guidelines

Any content that violates TikTok’s community guidelines, such as hate speech, bullying, illegal activities, or misinformation, can lead to a review. TikTok enforces these rules to ensure the platform remains a positive and safe space. Videos that break these rules are quickly flagged for review and are often removed to protect the community.

Encountering Copyright Issues

Copyright issues often cause TikTok videos to be reviewed because using music, clips, or images without permission breaks the rules. TikTok values originality and creativity, so stealing and reposting another user’s video without permission is against the rules. If a video is reported as stolen content, it will be reviewed by TikTok to verify the claim. If proven, the video may be removed, and the account could face penalties, such as suspension or a ban.

Adult-themed or Sexually Explicit Content

TikTok has strict guidelines against adult-themed or sexually explicit content. If your video includes nudity, sexual acts, or even suggestive behavior, it may be flagged and put under review. The platform aims to create a safe environment for all users, including minors, so any content that crosses these boundaries is closely monitored and often removed.

Gratuitous Violence

Videos that show or promote violence, including graphic scenes, fights, or anything that encourages harm, can trigger a review. TikTok does not allow content that depicts or glorifies violence, as it goes against their community guidelines and could hurt viewers. If a video is flagged for violent content, it is quickly reviewed and may be taken down.


Posting spammy content, such as repetitive, irrelevant, or misleading videos, can also result in a review. TikTok wants to maintain quality content on the platform, so they monitor and review videos that appear to be spam. This includes mass posting the same video or trying to manipulate views and interactions through deceptive means.

Experiencing Technical Glitches


i was so confused😂

♬ original sound – what..huh…oh…ok

Technical glitches are a big reason why TikTok reviews videos. Sometimes, videos don’t upload correctly because of interruptions or errors in the file itself. Also, if TikTok’s servers are down or being fixed, it can mess up how videos are shown, which might lead to a review. Mistakes in the app’s code or recent updates can accidentally trigger a review too.

Effective Solutions for Resolving TikTok Review Issues

Adjust Content to Meet TikTok Guidelines

Following TikTok’s community guidelines is key to keeping your videos up and avoiding delays. Keep away from no-go areas like adult content, violence, and hate speech. Instead, make stuff that’s fun, welcoming, and fresh. Be sure you know the rules about using other people’s music and videos to avoid trouble over copyrights.

Also, don’t make videos that could be harmful or spread wrong information. These issues often trigger reviews. Sticking to these guidelines helps your videos go through faster and builds your reputation on TikTok.

Challenge the Review Decision

To appeal a review decision on TikTok, you need to understand how their appeal process works and exactly why your content was flagged. Start by going to the notification area to find the review status. Explain clearly why your video follows TikTok’s community guidelines and offer any evidence that might help change the decision.

It’s important to highlight the context and intent of your content; it may have been misunderstood at first. Be patient—the appeal process can be slow due to many reviews. To win your appeal, keep at it and make sure your argument is strong and matches the platform’s rules.

Also Read: What Does ‘Body Count’ Mean On TikTok? Explained

Can An Already Uploaded Video Also be Placed Under Review?

Yes, an already uploaded TikTok video can be placed under review. This usually happens if the platform’s automated systems or user reports flag the video for potentially violating community guidelines. When this occurs, TikTok may temporarily restrict the video’s visibility while it’s being reviewed.

The review process involves TikTok’s moderation team assessing the content to ensure it complies with the platform’s rules. If the video is found to breach any guidelines, it may be removed, or the account could face penalties. However, if the video passes the review, it will be restored to its normal visibility. This process ensures that TikTok remains a safe and positive space for its users.

How to Know If a TikTok Video is Under Review?

If a TikTok video is under review, there are a few signs you can look for. First, you might notice that the video’s views, likes, and comments suddenly stop increasing. This is a common indication that TikTok has restricted the video’s visibility while it checks for any content violations. You may also see a notification from TikTok informing you that the video is being reviewed. Sometimes, the video might be temporarily hidden from your profile or For You Page. If you suspect a video is under review, check your notifications and watch for any changes in engagement.

Also Read: How To See (and Delete) Your TikTok Watch History


Knowing why TikTok reviews videos can really help your posting strategy and avoid interruptions. Get to know the rules of the platform and watch what you post closely. This way, you can lessen the chances of your videos being flagged for review. If your video does get reviewed, understanding common reasons—like guideline violations or many reports—can help you fix the problem quickly. Also, changing your content to dodge common review triggers can make your posting smoother and keep you visible on the platform. Keep visiting Andreas Johnson for more helpful articles like this.

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